Facebook Marketing Tips

How To Boost Your Business Growth With Facebook Marketing Tips?

When you read the word Facebook, what does come to your mind? Are you thinking about chatting with your friends or thinking about those college days?

Well, Facebook has more than just your personal use. You can drive traffic to your blog using it. You can grow your small business to the rock solid.

Facebook marketing can be quite simple yet complicated too. It would depend on how you follow the Facebook marketing tips.

Facebook has crossed many barriers and still on the same path. But what are you thinking of your business? Have you ever thought to boost your blog with Facebook?

In this article, you will get the most effective Facebook marketing tips which can help you to grow your online business on this social networking platform.

Have You Followed Facebook Marketing Tips Before?

Every person has something to say. Whether people write or speak. You can also do that with your Facebook strategy. Have you ever tried something which brought you the success you always wanted?

There are many things which can influence your growth on any social networking platfom. Whether you take Twitter or LinkedIn into a count. You need to build a strategy.

There are many things which can make you look bad on Twitter.

Let Me Provide You The Best Proven Facebook Marketing Tips To Build Your Strategy.

We all have something in common but the way we adapt it is different. People share their content on Facebook but every person has something unique.

1. Start With Your Professional Page.

One of the biggest mistakes is that people try to build their own brand instead of their business. Though you can brand yourself but your business would lack in that process.

It’s always good to start your Facebook page with the name of your business or blog. It would be a plus point if you could handle your personal page besides that.

2. Have You Added A Cover Photo?

Nowadays, its’ all about what you show. Create an attractive cover photo for your page and make it happen. People like to connect with those who have something visualizing.

You can too do that by combining your skills with the visual content. Either you choose the simplest photo with the logo of your business/blog or just do something creative.

3. People Also Read The Bio.

Though it’s not so surprising to hear but still, people neglect the bio of the page. Your followers read what you’re going to provide on your professional network.

Never leave that field empty. Let me ask you a question. How would you feel when you visit any page and don’t find that professional bio?

Wouldn’t that odd for you? People crave for professionalism and you need to fit in that.

4. Choose A Branded profile Picture.

For a business page, you must choose the profile picture according to the logo you have. It may be your main logo or other brand sign.

You can even use the favicon of your blog. Sometimes, people don’t have a small logo so they can use the favicon as the profile picture.

5. Don’t Forget The Short Bio.

Most of the people neglect the short bio about their page. You must not forget that the first glance of a person is on your short bio.

The about section comes after that. This is one of the unique Facebook marketing tips. A professional can’t neglect even such small things.

6. Add A Call To Action Button.

If you’re running an online shopping store then it’s good to add the signup button to your Facebook page. People would be happy to know about your products.

That call to action button can help you to get more clients. It would enhance the chances that people would want to connect with you.

7. How Can You Forget About The Images?

People share their images and try to get more likes. Well, for a business page, you can do the same. But don’t message your followers to like it.

Don’t you think it’s annoying when you do that? You may have experienced it yourself. People send you a message just to get the likes.

You shouldn’t do that often. Though you can ask for some special posts but not for every single post.

8. Quality Over Quantity.

This is not only from the Facebook marketing tips. You know that the quality always wins over quantity. Content always wins but if you add the quality then it becomes viral content.

Share the best you have. You may get more exposure to your blog posts if the content is worthy enough to get shared with others.

9. Try To Know The Perfect Timing.

Though it’s been always a debating topic about the perfect time to share your post on Facebook but still, you can have an idea from your followers.

If you’re using Facebook for a long time then you would know when do you get more likes and shares to your posts. Use that idea and share your content according to that.

10. Use Your Personal Profile.

A personal touch in your professional business is one the most effective Facebook marketing strategy. I have recently analyzed that people get more likes and shares on their personal profile than the page.

You can share the content of your blog to your personal profile. You would have so many friends who would be happy to share your content with their friends.

The chain continues like this.

11. Don’t Forget The Meta Description of Your Blog Posts.

Along with the image and the title of your blog post, the meta description is shown with the post on Facebook. Make sure that you have added something striking.

Most of the people read the meta description before clicking on the post. The same goes with the Facebook posts. If you make it clear what you are going to provide in the post then more likes and shares are waiting for you.

12. Use The Proper Dimensions of the Images.

Whether you choose an image for your profile or for the cover. You must be aware of the perfect dimensions. It should fit in perfectly.

The dimensions keep changing so you should check it from Facebook itself. A post with an inappropriate image won’t work.

13. Don’t Place The Links With the posts.

When you place the URL of your blog post to share on Facebook, you would see that Facebook automatically picks all the details.

At that time, most of the people forget to remove that URL after that. This is one of the most interesting yet important Facebook marketing tips.

14. Visual Content Always Wins.

Facebook is quite friendly with the images and videos now. You can build your brand with the help of images. People are even sharing their experience through videos.

You can also do that on your professional Page. Sometimes an image with the motivational quote may work fine. You can spread your ideas.

15. Don’t Forget To Add The Facebook Button To Your Blog.

How would your readers share your content if you won’t have the Facebook share button? Though many people try to add Facebook like button below their each post.

It may help to get more likes because it takes a minute to share the post. But it takes a second to like it. The choice is yours. A few people even use both.

Are You Going To Follow These Facebook Marketing Tips?

Well, everyone has something to share and grow. Whether you run a big business or a small one. You can’t deny that Facebook marketing is required to grow it.

People work hard to write the blog posts and share it on every possible social networking website. But sometimes, they don’t get what they deserve.

It’s because of their poor marketing strategy. And Facebook can help you to get more exposure if you follow the right Facebook marketing tips.

You can even build your own strategy but never forget the above-mentioned common things which are required to build a rock solid Facebook brand.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Ravi Sir, Your points are really workful. I have previously tried some of this ideas and the ideas really worked for me. Now, my facebook page has 10,000 likes and I want more. I will try to follow all of your given tips. Thanks for sharing this useful and detailed article. Keep it up.

    1. Hey Shibam,

      You can even get more likes if you follow the right path. There are millions of people waiting for the right content.

      I am glad that I could help you in any way.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  2. Hey Ravi,

    These are great tips to get people started on Facebook. I think you covered all the bases. I remember the call to action button being tricky for me with the whole iFrame thing but it’s a must have.


    1. Hi Lea,

      Facebook can be very helpful to grow your business. People are driving a lot of traffic to their blog with it. Adding the button can help you to get more exposure.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      Have an amazing day.


  3. Hey, Ravi.

    How are you doing today? Hope doing great.

    This morning, I read your guest post on Phillip’s blog and then here.

    The above is a big list of Facebook tips to expose your business. I do agree, Logo, banner, and description of the page is crucial to build a brand reputation and make it relevant to your audience.

    What’s more, selecting of a right for posting is a great idea to get more organic. As could remember, the best time for me is around 7 am to 9 am and 8 pm to 11 pm.

    Also, I couldn’t disagree more regarding other point of view you mentioned, but I didn’t see video. You know? This week, I post 5 videos on fan page and found the static increase up to 800%.

    it’s a consider amount for video format.

    Thanks for sharing…

    1. Hi Kimsea,

      Building a brand with the Facebook can be really effective. Showing the logo of your blog is a plus point. I like the way you have spotted on every single point here.

      Of course, videos are a way more responsive than anything else. Nowadays, people are more friendly to the video. I would definitely check your video.

      Thanks a lot for your contribution.

      Have a great day.


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